You are writing a Kill Ralphie! chapter. A Kill Ralphie! chapter places Ralphie in a situation that looks sure to end in his death, but stops just before that happens. A good Kill Ralphie! chapter is consistent, story-wise, with the chapters that came before it.
You are writing a Save Ralphie! chapter. A Save Ralphie! chapter gets Ralphie out of the danger he was in at the end of the previous chapter. A good Save Ralphie! chapter does it in a way that is consistent, story-wise, with the chapters that came before it.
Please keep your content reasonably clean; it must be suitable for ages 13 and up. We reserve the right to remove chapters that aren't, in our sole judgment. Your content must be your own original writing, not copied from elsewhere. Hateful, commercial, and pornographic content are all strictly forbidden, as is revealing personally identifiable information (yours or anyone else's) such as e-mail addresses and phone numbers. We may ban users who break these rules. You grant us a license to the content you enter here.